The Delaware Association of School Principals, a department of the Delaware Association of School Administrators, is proud to announce Chandra T. Phillips as Delaware's Outstanding Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year 2022. Ms Phillips is the assistant principal at Seaford Elementary School. The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) recognizes 22 assistant principals as members of the 2022 class of National Outstanding Assistant Principals. NAESP is committed to supporting elementary and middle-level assistant principals and part of that commitment is recognizing assistant principals for the contributions they make to the school community. “Assistant principals have an impact on all aspects of school, making them a crucial part of a thriving school community,” says NAESP Executive Director L. Earl Franks, Ed.D., CAE. “In collaboration with principals, these leaders support faculty and staff—who need it more now than ever—and create a school climate that prioritizes student academic and social-emotional success. Their passion for education shines through in everything they do as leaders. Congratulations to the honorees of the 2022 class of National Outstanding Assistant Principals.”

Chandra Phillips Named Delaware's 2022 Outstanding Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year
April 13, 2022